“The love of property and consciousness of right and wrong have conflicting places in our organization, which often makes a man's course seem crooked, his conduct a riddle.” Abraham Lincoln
“The love of property and consciousness of right and wrong have conflicting places in our organization, which often makes a man's course seem crooked, his conduct a riddle.” Abraham Lincoln
High Pay Commission published its long awaited report last week after a year of
research into executive remuneration in the UK.
Chairperson Deborah Hargreaves stated, “There's a
crisis at the top of British business… When pay for senior executives is set behind
closed doors, does not reflect company success and is fuelling massive
inequality it represents a deep malaise at the very top of our society.”
malaise is being expressed visibly by the Occupy movement, whose tent cities in
Madrid, New York, London, Rome and other financial centres are bracing for
winter. Inequality is the key issue, and
campaigners in the US rally under the banner, “We are the 99%”. At the heart of their protests is the sense
of injustice that top executives, especially in the financial sector, have seen
their salaries rise substantially over the last 3 years, while the vast
majority of the working population face falling real incomes in an era of
only is income distribution becoming more unequal, even greater inequality
exists in asset ownership. The top 1% of
Americans now own 37% of the nation’s wealth; the bottom 80% own just 15% - and
the gap has widened more rapidly in the last 3 years than it has for decades.
Occupy movement demonstrates that trust in business elites is in sharp decline;
no longer is it assumed that their wealth generating talents and entrepreneurial
skills will benefit the wider population.
Something has gone badly wrong with Capitalism, but the search for
alternatives struggles to move beyond a call for more regulation, taxation and
red tape.
economics is primarily about generating a return on capital; what might a more relational
economy look like? Drawing its inspiration
from the Judeo-Christian ethical tradition, ‘Relational Thinking’ understands all
financial decisions to be expressions of relationships – for example between
buyer and seller, lender and borrower, employer and employee, taxpayer and government. Ensuring these relationships are close, fair
and lasting is essential to a successful economy; rising inequality is a sign
that they are moving in the opposite direction.
clamour against financial injustice is growing globally; in the quest for ways
to recover values and agree a moral framework for markets, the concept and language
of relationships offers a fresh perspective.
The challenge is to incorporate relational values into the structures
and working practices of organisations; reducing the accountability gap between
capital providers and users and between company board members and their lowest
paid staff is a good place to begin.
Read on
Capitalism from Within’ by Jonathan Rushworth and Michael Schluter sets out an
alternative, relational approach to the purpose, performance and assessment of
companies. This report proposes
far-reaching reforms as to how companies
could operate as ‘Relational communities’ in a sustainable and profitable way,
rather than as vehicles within which all parties compete for short-term
financial gain. Read the
executive summary here.
Walk the
time you make a financial transaction over the next week, pause first to think
about the relationship inherent in the matter; is there anything you might do
differently to make that relationship closer, fairer or more long-lasting?
From the Bible, Luke chapter 12, verse 56: “You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don't know how to interpret this present time?”
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